Care has been taken to comply with the accessibility guidelines, published by the World Wide Web Consortium.  These guidelines are globally recognised standards.

Access Keys

Where supported by your browser, Access Keys are available to aid navigation.  They provide keyboard shortcuts to useful pages without the need for a mouse or similar device.

Using Access Keys:

Here is a guide to using access keys on various browsers:

  • IE for PC (Internet Explorer version 5 and above):
    Press and hold the ALT key whilst selecting the desired access key, then press the SPACE BAR.
  • IE for PC (Internet Explorer version 4):
    Press and hold the ALT key whilst selecting the desired access key.
  • IE for Mac (Internet Explorer version 5 and above):
    Press and hold the CTRL key whilst selecting the desired access key.
  • NS (Netscape Navigator version 6 and above)
    Press and hold the ALT key whilst selecting the desired access key.
  • Mozilla
    Press and hold the ALT key whilst selecting the desired access key.